Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Capture Story

Thanks to Luisa for sharing the story --

After 8 days of ticks and tears, here is the Kia capture story:

I was at the most recent sighting and a couple (nicest couple ever) pulled up to me and asked me if I was looking for a dog. I said yes and they said "we saw her down here…hop in!"

We pulled up to a water plant and it was actually next to where we were planning on moving our trap to today. They said she was somewhere around that area.

Another car pulled over right then and said he saw a dog go in the fence there. There was a small gap where the 2 gates met, so I squeezed myself through there. I saw Kia in the back. I asked the couple to block the gate opening and I walked the perimeter to make sure there wasn't another area she could escape from- there wasn't.

So then I did all of the things you are supposed to do… went down in a submissive position, threw food next to me (when you are looking for a dog, you always have food on you!), whimpered like a puppy. At one point my whimpers turned into real crying… all of the stress and worry bubbling over. 

But nothing was working so I decided to do what you never do…CHASE her. I knew she couldn't get out so I decided I would just wear her little but out. I think I ran around that building 25 times and we were both gasping for breath at the end! She finally just stopped running and sat near the gate, barking, like "get out of my way!" 

I had put out an SOS for help, but in the meantime a woman pulled up… she didn't know we were trying to catch a dog. She just wanted to make sure we were ok. I said, "quick… you are tiny enough to fit through this gap… get in here with me!" That poor girl. LOL! But she squeezed in and sat on one side of Kia and me on the other (she wouldn't let us get close enough to touch, but we sort of had her surrounded).

Also click here to see Kia in motion
Katie arrived soon after and gave me her catch pole and I was able to catch her with that. The girl put the sliplead on her and then we put the crate flat against the opening of the fence and got her in. 

Happy ending!!! 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I realize this is a bit late but I am so happy to know that Kia is home safe now. I saw one of the posters when they were put up and went to the website at the time. Just today I came across the webpage on my phone and was relieved to learn that she is home safe now.