Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Here's the update you have been waiting for . . . !

Kia is safe! The detailed story will have to wait, but I got a quick synopsis from Katie.

There have been some sightings coming in over the last several days -- time to post updates slips away so quickly -- thanks mostly to flyering efforts of fantastic volunteers!

So based on sightings, Luisa knew where to go to try generating a sighting of her own (which by the way, she did a week ago too -- she was just yards away and Kia was almost ready to come to her, but at the last second, she bolted). She was there, wherever that was (!?!) when a woman came walking along and said "Are you looking for a dog?"

Of course Luisa said Yes, and the woman told her she'd just seen her moments earlier. She took her to the location .  .  .  that's when I got so excited hearing the story from Katie that I couldn't concentrate! Something about a fenced area, and Kia getting in there and then Luisa crawling into the fenced area too.

Initially Luisa tried to catch up with her, knowing that since the area was fenced, she couldn't get out -- she could just get tired. And she did, but it was actually Katie's catch pole that enabled Luisa to contain her, in the end.

I'm still waiting on a photo from Katie, and I'll post it as soon as it comes through. But Kia is, right now, safe with Katie and Luisa!


PS  Check the Finding Kia Search Team Facebook page for photos and the story!
